Sunday, May 31, 2009

How To Sleep Less and Have More Energy Than You Ever Had Before Part: 1

Is it possible to sleep for 4-5 hours and feel more rested, more alert, and more energized than you did when you slept for 8 or 9 hours (or more)?

Yes it is! While this e-book may be short, the information in it is extremely owerful, do not underestimate it. This is state of the art optimum life performance information, which may shatter some of your old beliefs about sleep, and give you many learnings and understandings that you will be able to use to revolutionize your life. If you follow the information in this short e-book you will be able to:

1) Reduce your sleeping time.
2) Increase the Quality of your Sleep
3) Gain more energy than you ever had before.
4) Eliminate all feelings of drowsiness / inability to concentrate during the day.
5) Reduce your Daily Stress Levels

Just imagine what radical changes you could create, and what things you could accomplish in your life if you were able to sleep just half as much as you do now? Time is the most precious commodity we have in our lives! Or what you could do if you slept the same amount of time you do right now, but the sleep you got was more energizing and fulfilling than ever before?

The Popular Myth about Sleeping

Contrary to popular belief, you do not need 8 hours of sleep to function properly
during the day. There's a crazy media hype out recently telling people that America
is sleep deprived, and that we should all get 8 hours of sleep, blah blah blah. This is absolute non-sense, and any sleep expert would agree.

There are many people in the world today that perform extraordinary physically and
mentally demanding tasks and sleep for only 4 to 6 hours per night. Are these people
living zombies? Or did they somehow, consciously, or un-consciously tap into a hidden fountain of energy, a system that lets them perform this way?

A good example of a person like this is someone in a trans-atlantic yacht racing crew. The crew takes shifts being at the helm and on deck, and has to fight vigorous
weather, poor eating conditions, continuous motion, and drastic temperature changes, for up to 3 months! At this time each crew member sleeps about 4-5 hours per shift, and has no trouble performing the highly mentally and physically demanding tasks of sailing a yacht, fighting 30 foot waves, adjusting sails, and concentrating on keeping the boat on course.

There are also many other individuals in the world who don't sail yachts or perform
outrageously physically demanding tasks, yet they also sleep very little. Regardless
of their ”sleep deprivation”, they're always up beat, energetic, and full of life. Were these people just born with this ability, or is it something they're doing on a conscious/subconscious level?

Recent “Eye Opening” Discoveries

The longest recorded times that human beings have gone without sleep have been:
- Randy Gardner in 1965, Randy went without sleep for 11 days (That’s 264 hours!).
- In 1980, Robert McDonald of California stayed awake for a record 18 days 21
hours and 40 minutes. (453 hours)In both experiments, the subjects only experienced drowsiness and trouble with concentrating. This dispelled the popular myth that sleep deprivation will make you go crazy.

In another experiment, a 6 year study done by the University of California, completed
in 2002, revealed that people who slept less than 8 hours actually lived longer! Up
until this experiment (which involved 1.1 million participants), there were many conflicting beliefs about whether sleeping less was more health beneficial. Many would argue that sleeping more was actually more beneficial. Both sides of the argument had experimental data to prove their theories. However, none of the previous experiments were carried out with such a large group of people over this
long of a period of time. Many people die due to other circumstances, which have
nothing to do with how long they sleep.

How Much Sleep Do You Really Need?

This is the first belief about sleep you will consciously dispel in this e-book. The
Questions you should be asking yourself instead are really:

“What Actions can I take to raise the QUALITY of My Sleep?”
“How long does Quality Sleep Take for Me?”
“If I increase the Quality of my Sleep - Will it be possible to gain more energy, enough to reduce my sleeping time and do all the extra things I want to do in life?”

There are people who get an average of 8 to 10 hours of sleep, and always feel tired,
drowsy, low on energy, and complain about “poor sleep”, or “sleep deprivation”, and
try to compensate by sleeping even longer! In reality, they are sleeping TOO MUCH,
and decreasing the “quality” of their sleep as well as their energy levels. This
happens because there is an underlying energy and sleep mechanism in their body that they're not even aware of.

You see, it is not a question of Quantity, but rather Quality :) This is the most
important aspect about sleep you should grasp, and throughout this powerful e-book,
we'll be exploring the secrets of this little known understanding in detail.

The Mystery of Quality Sleep

You hear people saying this so often these days - but you probably haven't thought
of it up until now. You've probably heard someone say this to you, or perhaps you've even used these lines yourself in your life:

“I just need to get a good night's rest...”
“A Good night's rest keeps the sickness away...”
“Get some quality sleep, you'll feel better...”

But what on Earth is quality sleep?

Is it some mysterious force that just comes and attacks us in the middle of the night
that we have no control over? Most people have very limited knowledge and beliefs
about what sleep is. Often sleep just means “sleep”, and nothing more, and we don't
pay much attention as to how it affects our health.

Until the 20th century, it was believed that our minds completely turned off during
sleep. Recent scientific discovery has un-covered something completely different.
What you'll discover in this e-book is that once you sleep, your mind enters a state
so fascinating and rich with structure that it makes being awake look boring! When
we're sleeping, our minds are more active than they are when we're awake - which
you're about to learn. Knowing this may lead you to asking yourself the question:

“If our minds are so active during our sleep, perhaps my sleep has a greater effect
on my body, and my health, than I previously thought?”

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